FUE System

Located in Sarasota and serving Tampa, Florida, Hair Transplant Center is ready to give you the best service and bring back the confidence in you.

The ATERA FUE System is a new type of hair restoration for both men and women. There are few side effects in this process because the incision is so small.

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Don’t Lose Your Confidence With Hair Loss

Hair is a nice thing to have, but when it goes away, you might find yourself experiencing a slew of unexpected emotions or stresses. When hair starts going away, the way you think of yourself changes. You might stop talking to people or going out with friends as much. The way people see you may also change.

Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Daniels of the Sarasota Hair Transplant Center bring you the latest technologies in hair restoration. They can help you by doing an ATERA FUE treatment customized for your needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for hair transplants, so it’s important to talk with them about what they can do for you and your concerns with hair loss.

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About ATERA FUE Hair Transplant in Sarasota & Tampa

Hair transplant surgery is done to help someone with baldness or thinning hair. The old way of doing it was to cut a line in the person’s head and move hair from one place to another. The new way has changed so that there are no lines and the outcome looks more natural.

What Is an ATERA FUE Hair Transplant?

The first hair transplant was performed in Japan in 1939, using single hairs. Doctors improved the process by doing plug transplants that required taking large tufts of hair. However, the frequency of linear scars became an undesirable problem. Thus, they began using mini and micro-grafts to lessen the appearance of transplanted hair on the scalp.

By today’s standards, follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the benchmark for hair restoration. Based on the principle of harvesting follicular units in small batches or individual grafts, it consists of taking one to three hair follicles and then transplanting them to the bald or thinning areas of the scalp.

Hair grafts are done with small punches. It takes only one hair at a time. There is no linear scar left from this kind of punch, so you can wear your hair short again. The hair will look natural and the donor site is not noticeable. Hair restoration procedures like this may take more time than strip surgery, but it is worth it because you can cut your hair short without seeing any scarring where the graft came from.

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Benefits of ATERA FUE Hair Restoration
Other Causes of Hair Loss
Your Personal Hair Restoration Consultation

Benefits of ATERA FUE Hair Restoration

  • Advanced FUE technology
  • Outpatient one-day procedure
  • Little to no scarring
  • Minimal risk and discomfort
  • Minimally invasive and quick recovery
  • Permanent, natural results
  • Digital graft counter to know how many grafts were extracted
  • Lubricates the hair follicle root during extraction
  • Keeps the grafts lubricated until implantation
  • Two separate tubings: one for lubrication and the other for graft suction
  • Faster and more efficient compared to other FUE systems
  • A lighter handpiece causes less trauma and minimal bleeding
  • More comfortable than strip hair surgery
  • Effective on tight scalps


If you suffer from hair loss, ATERA FUE might help you. Hair can be transplanted to any part of your body. ATERA FUE is the treatment for hair loss from the top of the head. This is the most common form of hair loss in people. Other types are thinning at natural part lines or losing all their hair because they take certain medicines or are undergoing chemotherapy.

Other Causes of Hair Loss

  • Family history (heredity)
  • Hormonal changes and medical conditions
  • Stressful events
  • Hairstyles and treatments (cornrows, tight pigtails, traction alopecia)
  • Medications and supplements
  • Radiation therapy to the head

Your Personal Hair Restoration Consultation

A skilled and experienced hair transplant doctor will tell you about the different types of hair loss treatments that might work for you. Dr. Hamwi, Clinician Gieger, and Clinician Daniels will show pictures of what people looked like before and after they had a particular procedure.

After you have established a history of your hair loss, our hair restoration experts can create a plan to help you. They can give you one method or another to enjoy the benefits of hair replacement.

Preparation and Procedure

Our doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for hair transplant surgery. It includes guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking cigarettes, and taking or avoiding certain medications. If you smoke cigarettes, make sure that you stop at least a week before your surgery. It can interfere with blood flow to the skin during the healing process after surgery.

After the surgery, arrange for someone to drive you home. Take it easy for a day or two and have someone help you if needed.

At Sarasota Hair Transplant Center, the surgery takes place at our office-based facility. It does not even take a whole day to do the operation. Dr. Hamwi, Clinician Gieger, and Clinician Daniels will tell you how many hair grafts you need and how long the procedure will take so that you know what to expect. Usually, a hair transplant procedure starts in the morning and ends in the afternoon.

The ATERA FUE system makes this process more optimized. The hand unit can use three different punch sizes that are more adaptable to your specific case than other systems. Here’s how an ATERA FUE procedure will go:

  1. Dr. Hamwi and his team will shave the donor area on the back of your head. 
  2. Local anesthesia is given over the donor area to make you more comfortable. 
  3. The hair restoration specialist extracts hair follicles from the donor area using micro punches under 3-5x magnification.
  4. After extraction, the collection system puts them into a staging area that digitally counts the number of extracted units and keeps them optimal for grafting by putting them in a moist, cooled state. 
  5. The clinicians will carefully transplant the harvested hair onto the desired area.
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After surgery, it is important to follow the instructions. The day after your surgery, you might be able to go back to work or do light activity. Some people have their hair transplant and find out that their hair falls out in six weeks. For most people, any hair that falls out during this period will grow back. It takes about five to six weeks for hair to come back after it falls out. Then, it starts to come back by half an inch every month. After that, your doctor can tell whether you need any touchups.

ATERA FUE hair transplants are a way to grow new hair. These treatments show very clear results. They will make your head of hair look and feel thicker, so you can have a full head of natural-looking hair.

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Ways to Complement ATERA FUE

ATERA FUE is the best system for hair restoration. It works even better with a few changes in your lifestyle that you can easily incorporate to help you get more out of your treatment. Here are a few:

  • Diet: After having a hair transplant, make sure you eat protein-rich foods. These include eggs, beans, tofu, walnuts, fish, and poultry. By eating these foods, you can help your body heal faster and promote hair growth.
  • Vitamins: Supplementing your healthy diet with vitamins is a good way to make sure your body has all the nutrients it needs. Vitamins E, C, A, and B Complex have an effect on hair health. Vitamin B is especially good after a hair transplant. Eat foods that are rich in iron because they strengthen the immune system and help heal wounds faster.
  • Washing: Be gentle when washing your hair, and avoid drying the hair and scalp with a towel. After three weeks, you might consider cutting your hair if it is healthy enough and if the doctor states that it is safe to do so.
  • Gentle hairstyling: Tight hairstyles stop your hair from growing. When you get out of bed in the morning, don’t brush your hair. Keep your hairstyle loose so that your hair can grow better. Mousse is especially helpful after a hair transplant, as it makes your new hairs look fuller and longer.
  • Massage: Massage does not prevent hair loss on its own, but there is some evidence that massage helps maintain thicker hair. Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s healing process. You might notice some swelling in the forehead and at the temples. Gently massage these areas with an outward swiping motion from the middle of your forehead to your temples four to five times per day. This cannot hurt you, and you should use all remedies available to you.
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