What’s the Number One Factor for Hair Loss?

Heredity is the number one risk factor affecting whether an individual will lose their hair. A
family history of hair loss is a good indicator, but not an absolute. Androgenic alopecia, also
known as male-pattern baldness, is the most common type. It can begin at any age, even the
late teens or early 20s.

Hair loss is a slow process that develops over years, but by the age of 50 many men with
hereditary hair loss will have visible signs. Male-pattern baldness often becomes obvious
through a receding hairline, along with thinning all over the head. It may also start as a bald
patch on the top or the crown of the head.

One myth that continues to surround hair loss is that mothers are responsible for it. While men
inherit the X chromosome that causes hair loss from their mother, it requires a genetic
contribution from their father’s Y chromosome to activate it. There are 63 genes responsible for
male-pattern baldness, but only 6 are carried on the female X chromosome.
It’s important to know that male-pattern baldness can also skip a generation. Men with fathers
that experience hair loss are more likely to develop it themselves.

Aside from male-pattern baldness, there are other factors that affects hair loss. Stress really can
cause hair loss, along with hormonal changes as men age. Ringworm and some medications can
also result in hair loss. That’s why it’s imperative that individuals make an appointment with a
hair loss specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis.

While the odds of developing male-pattern baldness is greater in some families, it’s not an
absolute certainty. It’s entirely possible for one brother in a family to have male-pattern
baldness while another has a full head of hair and never experiences any hair loss. There are a
variety of options available for those experiencing hair loss, depending upon the underlying

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

Is There a Link Between Stress and Hair Loss?

Stress can definitely affect hair loss. High levels of stress, and long-term stress levels, affect the
body in multiple ways. Stress triggers the body’s fight or flight response and the release of
hormones that readies the body for action. Hair will typically grow back when stress levels
return to normal.
Stress related hair loss may go unnoticed at first. However, larger amounts of hair in a
hairbrush than normal, or drains that are suddenly slowing due to hair are sure signs of loss. It’s
important to a hair loss specialist – the professional will be able to diagnose the exact cause of
the loss.
Telogen Effluvium
The most common hair loss condition is telogen effluvium. Hair has an active growing and
resting phase. The condition forces hair follicles into a resting phase. Some individuals
experience this type of hair loss a few weeks or even months after extended levels of stress. It
can also occur after one particularly stressful event.
New Research
Hair growth is a far more complex and complicated process than it seems. New research has
revealed that stem cells reside in hair follicles. During hair’s active growth phase, stem cells
divide, creating new cells that will regenerate hair. Stem cells are inactive during the hair’s
resting phase.
A study on mice at Harvard University, discovered that cortisone (in mice) and cortisol (in
humans) that’s present in stress hormones, inhibited hair growth. High cortisone levels also
reduce hyaluronic acid in the scalp.
Chronic and long-term stress increased cortisone levels in mice by approximately 40 percent. It
also prevented a molecule from being secreted that activates stem cells to stimulate hair
growth. The research also discovered the role that stress plays in gray hair. While the research
is still in its early stages, it bodes well for those suffering with hair loss due to stress.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

Can Anything Slow Down Hair Loss

Much will depend on the underlying cause for the hair loss, since it can occur for a variety of
reasons. It can be related to excessive stress, poor diet, a sudden shock, or a fungal infection.
Certain medications and medical conditions can result in hair loss, along with hormonal changes
and some types of hair styles and treatments.
The first step for individuals with thinning hair is to see a hair loss specialist to discover the
cause and obtain a diagnosis. Male pattern baldness isn’t preventable, but there are steps
individuals can take to slow down hair loss and thinning from other causes.
A number of over-the-counter products containing minoxidil have been proven effective in
slowing hair loss. It’s available in a foam or liquid that’s applied to the head. Finasteride is a
prescription-only oral medication. Noticeable results are typically seen in 6 months. Hair loss
and thinning will resume if the medication is discontinued.
Tinea capitis is a mold-like fungal infection, also known as ringworm. It’s related to athlete’s
foot (tinea pedis) and jock itch (tinea cruris). Over-the-counter shampoos are available that can
help, but oral medications are available that will kill the fungus. It’s highly contagious.
Some types of hair treatments can damage hair and lead to thinning and loss. Give hair a rest.
Styles that are tight place extra tension and stress on hair. The scalp can be damaged from UV
rays with very short styles.
Any deficit in vitamins and minerals can affect hair growth, especially for individuals following a
vegan lifestyle. Men can increase their protein levels, either by consuming more protein rich
foods or with protein drinks.
One of the things a hair specialist will do is have blood tests performed to identify any vitamin
or mineral deficiencies. Low levels of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, iron and zinc will affect hair growth.
Avoid restrictive weight loss programs.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

Is Rogaine® Effective for Restoring Hair Loss?

Whether Rogaine® helps will depend on the type of hair loss an individual is experiencing. Rogaine® was specifically developed to minimize the effects of male pattern baldness. Clinical trials conducted over 48 weeks in 2002 demonstrated that those using a 5 percent topical minoxidil solution experienced 45 percent more hair growth than formulas with a lesser percentage of minoxidil.HistoryRogaine® has been available for over 20 years and was the first brand to be FDA approved for hair loss. Rogaine® is the brand name for minoxidil. Rogaine® as a hair growth formula was discovered by accident. It was originally developed as an oral medication to treat high blood pressure.OTC AvailabilityRogaine® is available over-the-counter in two different forms and in strengths of 2 percent and 5 percent. It’s applied to the scalp twice a day. It can also be used on beards and eyebrows. It works by increasing the size of hair follicles. The formula also extends the hair’s natural growth cycle and penetrates the scalp to stimulate protein production. Results will become noticeable in 3 to 4 months.Best UsageThe formula is most effective for recent hair loss experienced by men under the age of 40. It helps stop hair loss in approximately 50 percent of men with male pattern baldness. Hair growth will stop when the treatment is discontinued.Potential Side EffectsRogaine® also has some disadvantages, the most serious of which is that it can affect the heart, particularly those that already have a heart-related condition. It should never be used unless appropriate tests have been performed to determine a healthy heart. A fast heartbeat or chest pain should be immediately reported to the individual’s doctor.Many users also suggest using rubber gloves to apply the formula as it can stain. Always wash hands immediately after applying if using bare fingers. It may cause the color and texture of hair to change. Potential side effects also include increased sensitivity to sun, along with drying, irritation, burning, itching, scaling or flaking of the scalp.

Hair Transplant Of Florida

Our Florida Hair Transplant Centers pride themselves on providing the most advanced hair transplant in Florida. Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Rhonda Daniels are all specialists in the field of hair restoration., Rest assured that your balding hair is in good hands.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

Finding the Cause of Your Hair Loss

Hair loss often begins prior to middle age and a full 80 percent of men experience it sometime during their lifetime. Some types are temporary, some are permanent. There are multiple factors that determine hair loss. It’s essential that the exact cause be identified before taking any action and only an expert is able to make that diagnosis.HeredityA family history of hair loss increases the potential that some type of hair loss will occur. There’s nothing that you can do about your genetics, but a hair transplant is one option.Hormonal ChangesHormone levels do fluctuate at different times of your life. They also begin to decrease as you age and can cause hair loss.Medical ConditionsThyroid problems, immune system conditions, and diseases can result in hair loss. Ringworm is a fungal infection that can affect the scalp. It’s the same fungi that causes athlete’s foot.Medications & TreatmentsPrescription medications for a variety of medical conditions can contribute to hair loss. The most common are those for high blood pressure, arthritis, gout, cancer, and depression. Overuse of some over-the-counter dietary supplements can also lead to hair loss, including vitamins A and E, along with selenium. Radiation treatments for cancer are infamous for their ability to affect hair loss and growth.Hairstyles & TreatmentsHair treatments can make you look and feel great, but receiving those treatments too often can damage hair and result in hair loss. If you have longer hair, beware of wearing tight styles, which cause breakage and loss.StressPeople are living in highly stressful times and it has an effect on the physical body as well as the mental health aspect. High and extended levels of stress have been proven to cause a thinning throughout the scalp. Emotional shocks can have the same effect and can persist for several months after the event.

Hair Transplant Of Florida

Our Florida Hair Transplant Centers pride themselves on providing the most advanced hair transplant in Florida. Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Rhonda Daniels are all specialists in the field of hair restoration., Rest assured that your balding hair is in good hands.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

Top Symptoms of Androgenetic Alopecia

Also known as male pattern baldness, it’s a condition that typically occurs slowly over time and in predictable patterns. Androgenic alopecia results in bald spots, a receding hairline, and is hereditary. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, up to 50 percent of men will experience it by the age of 50.

Even though male pattern baldness is one of the most common types of hair loss, men are often embarrassed and reluctant to seek assistance. There are treatments and measures that can be taken to lessen the impact.


Male pattern baldness is determined by genetics and the levels of the sex hormone androgen, responsible for initiating puberty. The hair follicles shrink over time, producing finer and shorter hair. Eventually, the hair follicles stop producing hair, though they remain capable of growing new hair.

Androgenetic alopecia can begin any time after puberty as an extreme response to androgens. It happens so slowly that most men don’t even notice until hair loss is advanced. Men with male pattern baldness may also experience a wider part in their hair making the scalp more visible.

Signs and Symptoms

Androgenetic alopecia typically begins in the front of the head, creating an “M” shape at the hairline. The hair also begins to recede at the crown and the thinning expands, until a bald spot appears. It’s often accompanied by the hair forming a “U” shaped pattern on the sides of the head. The stress of losing hair often generates more hair loss as follicles go into a resting phase.


To accurately diagnose the genetic condition, a medical hair specialist or dermatologist will conduct tests to rule out other causes that can result in baldness such as an iron deficiency or disease that can result in similar symptoms.

The most common cause of the condition is genetics. However, those that have certain health conditions such as diabetes and lupus are more prone to developing the condition, along with those that have cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

Hair Transplant Of Florida

Our Florida Hair Transplant Centers pride themselves on providing the most advanced hair transplant in Florida. Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Rhonda Daniels are all specialists in the field of hair restoration., Rest assured that your balding hair is in good hands.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

What You Should Expect From a Hair Loss Consultation

Many men delay receiving a consultation with a hair loss specialist for fear of what they’ll learn. The only way to ascertain what type of hair loss you have and if you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant is a consultation.

Hair Loss History

Your surgeon will document the history and timeline of your hair loss to determine when it began, how its progressed, and any methods you’ve utilized for restoration. He’ll want to know if there’s a family history of hair loss and who has it.

Health History

Men who are good candidates for a hair transplant must be in good health. Your specialist will need to know if you have any health issues or take medications that could affect the success of a transplant. That includes conditions such as high blood pressure, heart conditions, and nerve or autoimmune conditions.

Your surgeon will need to know if there have been any recent changes to your health that encompassing acute or short-term illnesses, along with accidents. You’ll need to disclose any symptoms you may have for which your doctor may not be treating you such as dizziness, palpitations or tiredness, along with all medications and/or supplements you’ve taken regularly over the past 12 months.

Diet and Lifestyle

The surgeon will want to know about your diet, digestion and lifestyle. Be sure to relate if you have IBS.

Nails and Stress

Your nails can reveal much about your health and the surgeon will want to examine them for pitting, brittleness or ridging. Stress levels are also a factor he’ll want to know about.

Tests and Exams

The surgeon will take a sample and perform a microscopic exam of your hair roots. He’ll examine your scalp and blood tests will be obtained. It can take a little time, but all the tests and information will determine if you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant Of Florida

Our Florida Hair Transplant Centers pride themselves on providing the most advanced hair transplant in Florida. Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Rhonda Daniels are all specialists in the field of hair restoration., Rest assured that your balding hair is in good hands.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

Top 5 Things That Contribute to HairLoss in Women

Hair loss isn’t something that only happens to men. Approximately 55 percent of women experience hair loss. According to statistics by the American Hair Loss Association, 40 percent of all hair loss suffers are women. It often begins slowly and can escalate, depending on the underlying cause.

Female Pattern Baldness

It’s an inherited condition that often takes women by surprise. Women with a female relative that has the condition are more prone to developing the condition. It typically follows a predictable pattern that includes thinning along the crown and a receding hairline.

Hormonal Changes

Menopause is the primary cause of serious hair loss as women age and estrogen levels decrease. The amount of hair loss varies, depending on the individual. Its most prevalent in women over 50 years of age and those with an increased body mass index. However, temporary hair loss can also occur due to pregnancy and childbirth.

Medical Conditions

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. The disease is common in those with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disorders, anemia, and psoriasis. The amount and size of the bald areas vary depending on the individual and some women lose all their hair.


Prescription medications treat a variety of health conditions, but they can also result in hair loss as an unpleasant side effect. Medications used to treat depression, arthritis, gout, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, and heart problems can cause ongoing hair loss. Beta blockers, blood thinners, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause hair loss. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat cancer are well-known causes of baldness, but hair usually grows back.


Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss resulting from excessive styling and hairstyles that pull the hair tight such as ponytails, pigtails and cornrows. Perms and hot oil treatments are popular, but can also cause permanent hair loss if scarring occurs.

Hair Transplant Of Florida

Our Florida Hair Transplant Centers pride themselves on providing the most advanced hair transplant in Florida. Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Rhonda Daniels are all specialists in the field of hair restoration., Rest assured that your balding hair is in good hands.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

5 Common Causes for Hair Loss in Men

No one wants to look in the mirror and see a receding hairline or thinning at the crown. It affects a man’s self-confidence and perception of self. There are a number of reasons for male hair loss, with the following being the most common.


While there’s no way to change a person’s genetic makeup, it does provide a clue as to who may experience hair loss. It’s not just men that pass their genes to their offspring. Women supply half those genes and they also experience hair loss.

The chances that an individual will experience hair loss is greater if their father did, but it also depends on the genes inherited from both parents. There are individuals that experience complete hair loss, while their father retained a full head of hair.

Hormonal Changes

As men age, hormone levels begin to decline. Those changes affect the rate of growth, life cycle of each hair, and shrinks hair follicles. The result is thinning and hair loss as strands aren’t replaced as quickly or not at all.  Some men are more sensitive to hormonal changes than others.

Medical Conditions

Cancer treatments are a well-known cause of hair loss. There are some surprising medical conditions that can also affect hair loss. They include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, gout and arthritis. Those with lupus, diabetes and depression are at a higher risk of hair loss. The hair loss of alopecia areata is an immune system condition that attacks hair follicles.


Many medications have the potential for hair loss. Some of the most common are those to lower cholesterol, blood thinners, beta-blockers, non-steroid anti-inflammatories, and antidepressants. Thyroid medications and steroids can also affect hair loss.


High levels of sustained stress impact the body in a variety of ways and that includes hair loss and thinning. Stress results in the release of fight or flight hormones within the body, which can cause hair follicles to halt their natural growth cycle.

Hair Transplant Of Florida

Our Florida Hair Transplant Centers pride themselves on providing the most advanced hair transplant in Florida. Dr. Kristopher Hamwi, Clinician Sia Gieger, and Clinician Rhonda Daniels are all specialists in the field of hair restoration., Rest assured that your balding hair is in good hands.

To schedule your hair transplant/hair restoration appointment at one of our South Florida Centers please contact us at (941) 315-7033

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